Duncan Fairgrieve

Writing & Publications

Duncan Fairgrieve has published many books and articles in leading journals worldwide, in both English and French, including over 20 authored or edited books and numerous articles in leading law journals. He edited the festschrifts for Lord Slynn, and Lord Bingham; the latter was entitled Tom Bingham and the Transformation of the Law and published by OUP in both hardback and paperback, including over fifty essays from distinguished jurists around the world.

Professor Fairgrieve's book entitled Droits et Libertés en France et au Royaume-Uni, published by leading French publisher Odile Jacob, was awarded the prestigious Henri Texier Prize by the French Academy, making Duncan one of the rare British nationals to have received such a distinction. He published a monograph in 2016 entitled Comparative law in Practice: Contract Law in a Mid-Channel Jurisdiction, and his latest book is the Second Edition of Negligence Liability of Public Authorities, co-authored with Dan Squires QC. He has recently published the 3rd Edition of the OUP book, Product Liability, with Professor Richard Goldberg.

His work is extensively cited including by the courts, including judges of the Court of Appeal and House of Lords / Supreme Court in the United Kingdom as well as by the French Conseil d'Etat (in the conclusions of rapporteurs publics) and by Advocate-Generals before the Court of Justice of the European Union.

Common Law et tradition civiliste
Comparative Law in Practice
Courts and Comparative Law
Product Liability
Droits et libertés en France et au Royaume-Uni
The Negligence Liability of Public Authorities
Tom Bingham and the Transformation of the Law
State Liability in Tort
Product Liability in Comparative Perspective
Extraterritoriality and Collective Redress